
Common Name

English :Clustered hiptage
Hindi :Madhavilata
Manipuri :Madhabi

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Malphiaghiaceae
Genus :Hiptage
Species :benghalensis  Kurz.
Habit :Shrub/small tree
Parts Used :Bark, Flower, Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Leaf crushed with water for juice/extract.
Mode of use :Local Application, Fresh
Ingredients :Bark contains a crystalline glucoside, hiptagin. The bark also contains tannin (8.5%) and mongiferin.
Ailment Treated:The bark, leaves and flowers are aromatic, astringent, refrigerant, expectorant, cardio tonic and anti inflammatory. Leaf extract is used in cutaneous diseases. Leaf juice is used as an insecticide and useful in scabies.

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