
Common Name

English :
Hindi :
Manipuri :Chinichampa

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Annonaceae
Genus :Artabotrys
Species :hexapetalus.  (Linn. f) Bhandari
Habit :Climbing glabrous shrub
Parts Used :Leaf & Flower
Mode of Preparation :Leaves and flowers boiled for extract. Flowers kept inside almirah as scent to clothings & also used in the preparation of traditional hair lotion.
Mode of use :Decoction and Fresh
Ingredients :Eight compounds were reported and identified as four neolignans, isoamericanin A, isoamericnol A, americanin B and artabotrycinol, a semiterpenoic (R ) artabotriol and others, palmitic acid, beta-sitosterol and daucosterol. Artabotrycinol and (R ) artabotriol are new compounds.
Ailment Treated:Leaves and flowers are used as an ingredient in the preparation of traditional hair lotion. Flowers are used as an insect repellant and also fungicide. The oil from the flower is used in perfumery.
Source:Cultivated in home gardens.

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