Abortifacient:- An agent that promotes abortion.
Abrasion:- Injury to skin surface.
Abscess:- A local collection of pus in a tissue.
Acrid:- Pungent.
Adenitis:- Inflammation of a gland.
Alexipharmic:- An antidote to poison.
Allergy:- Exaggerated reaction to substance which are considered normally
Alopecia:- Baldness.
Amenorrhoea:- Absence of menses.
Analgesic:- Relieves pain.
Anodyne:- A drug that relieves pain.
Anorexia:- Loss of appetite for food.
Anthelmintic:- Substance that expel intestinal worms.
Anti periodic:- Destroying the periodicity of diseases.
Antibiotic:- Destroys or inhibits micro-organisms.
Anticoagulant:- Prevents blood clotting.
Antidote:- A remedy which neutralizes the action of a poison.
Anti-emetic:- Prevents or arrests vomiting.
Antifebrile:- Any agent which reduces fever.
Antimicrobial:- Drug that is used against microbes.
Antioxident:- Prevents oxidation and breakdown of tissues.
Anti-pyretic:- Reduces or prevents high temperature.
Antiscorbutic:- Preventive for scurvy.
Anti-septic:- Destroys or inhibits microorganisms that cause infection.
Antispasmodic:- Relieves or prevents involuntary spasms.
Antitussive:- Soothes and relieves coughing.
Aperient:- Mild purgative.
Aphrodisiac:- A drug which promotes sexual desire.