
Common Name

English :
Hindi :Kakrol
Manipuri :Karot

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Cucurbitaceae
Genus :Momordica
Species :cochinchinensis  Spreng.
Habit :Slender climber
Parts Used :Leaf, Fruit, Seed
Mode of Preparation :Tender fruits eaten as vegetable. Young leafy shoot also cooked and fried. Fresh seed crushed with water for extract.
Mode of use :Fresh and Local Application
Ingredients :Seed yields a fatty oil.
Ailment Treated:Seeds used in ulcers. Fruits and leaves used as external application for fractures and ulceration. Seeds extract used in cough, chest complaints and stimulates urinary and uterine discharges.
Source:Cultivated extensively in valley areas.

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