Scabies:- Itching skin disease caused by a mite.
Scorbutic:- Relating to scurvy.
Scorbutic:- Relating to scurvy.
Scurvy:- Deficiency disease caused by lack of vitamin- C.
Soporific:- Drug that induces sleep.
Spasm:- Involuntary muscular contraction.
Spasmolytic:- Which relieves spasm.
Spermatorrhoea:- An involuntary discharge of semen without orgasm.
Sprain:- An injury to soft tissue surrounding a joint.
Stimulant:- Something which stimulates or excites.
Stomachic:- A drug that strengthens the stomach and promotes its action.
Strangury:- Painful and drop by drop discharge of urine.
Styptic:- Astringent, checking bleeding.
Sudorific:- An agent causing sweating.
Suppuration:- Formation of pus. Surface of the eye-ball.
Syphilis:- A venereal bacterial disease caused by Treponema pallidum,
transmitted by direct sexual contact.
Ulcer:- A wound with superficial loss of tissue.
Urethritis:- Inflammation of urethra.
Urinary calculi:- Stone in bladder.
Utricaria:- A skin allergy with the symptom of intense itching.
Vermifuge:- A drug that is used for expelling or destroying intestinal worms.
Vertigo:- Dizziness.