Menorchoea:- Excessive or prolonged menstruction.
Menstrual:- The flow of blood from uterus once in a month in a female.
Mumps:- Specific inflammation of period gland caused by virus.
Narcotic:- A drug which induces sleep.
Nausea:- A feeling of sickness, without actual vomiting.
Onychia:- Inflammation of the nail-bed.
Opacities:- An opaque spot not transparent.
Opthalmia:- Consunctivities, inflammation of the eye.
Otalgia:- Ear-ache.
Otitis:- Inflammation of ear.
Otorrhoea:- A purulent discharge from the ear.
Ozaena:- Nose with a foul-smelling discharge.
Paralysis:- A disease of complete or incomplete loss of nervous functions to
Phthisis:- An old term for pulmonary tuberculosis.
Pneumonia:- Inflammation of lungs.
Poulties:- Soft composition applied on a cloth to the skin to reduce
Purgative:- A drug causing evacuation of fluid faeces.
Purulent:- Pertaining to or resembling pus.
Pus:- The yellow or yellowish fluid product of inflammation.
Pyorrhoea:- Disease of the structures supporting the teeth the gums, peridontal
Refrigerant:- Cooling effect.
Resolvent:- Having power to resolve.
Restorative:- To strengthen and vigour, tending to restore.
resulting in the formation of lesions through out the body and
Rheumatism:- Condition characterized by pain and stiffness in muscles and joints.
Rubefacient:- Reddening of the skin.
Sativation:- An increases secretion of saliva.