Coryza:- Inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane with profuge
Cutaneous:- Cancerned with skin.
Cystitis:- Diseases of the urinary bladder.
Dandruff:- An inflammed condition of the scalp.
Dargle:- To rinse the mouth or throat with medicinal liquid.
Decoction:- A preparation made by boiling a medicinal herb.
Decoction:- A solution derived from boiling of medicinal herbs.
Demulcent:- A mucilaginous fluid that relieves irritation.
Deobstruant:- An agent the removes obstruction to secretion or excretion.
Depurative:- To purify.
Diabetes:- Any disorder characterized by excessive urine excretion.
Diaphoretic:- An agent that promotes perspiration.
Diaphoretic:- Drug that stimulates perspiration.
Diarrhoea:- Frequent and watery stool discharge.
Diuresis:- Excessive secretion of urine.
Diuretic:- An agent which increases the flow of urine.
Dropsy:- A morbid accumulation of watery fluid in any part of the body.
Dyscrasia:- An abnormal or pathologic condition of blood.
Dysentry:- A condition wherein there is excretion of stools frequently
Dyspepsia:- Indigestion.
Dysuria:- Difficult or painful urination.
Eczema:- Inflammation of the skin.
Emetic:- An agent that causes vomiting.
Emmenagogue:- Promotes menstrual flow.
Emollient:- Softens the skin and soothes irritation of the skin and mucous
Enteritis:- Inflammation of intestine.
Epilepsy:- A chromic nervous disorder marked by attacks of unconsciousness