
U-morok - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :
Hindi :
Manipuri :U-morok

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Solanaceae
Genus :Capsicum
Species :annum  var. fasiculatum Baily.
Habit :Undershrub/Shrub
Parts Used :
Mode of Preparation :Fresh fruit crushed with water for extract. Raw green fresh fruits are used as spice in the preparation of chutney and salad.
Mode of use :Fresh
Ingredients :The fruits yield an oleoresin containing the characteristic odour and flavour of the spice. The major constituent of the oleoresin is capsaicin.Capsaicin (3.2) mg, total sugar( 1.24mg), soluble protien (7.6mg), fat( 21.0 mg), fat( 0.14 mg), total phenol( 0.38 mg) and total chlorophyll (0.40mg) are also reported.
Ailment Treated:Fresh fruits are used in pain due to constipation, treatment of inflammation, boils and toothache. Fruit extract is applied on cotton to a sore throat. Capsaicin is used in tonic, dyspepsia and rheumatic troubles.
Source:Cultivated extensively in the hilly regions.