Pakhangba leiton

Pakhangba leiton - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Pill bearing spurge
Hindi :Dudhi
Manipuri :Pakhangba leiton

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Euphorbiaceae
Genus :Euphorbia
Species :hirta  Linn.
Habit :Trailing delicate herb
Parts Used :Whole plant
Mode of Preparation :Leaves crushed with water for juice/extract. Leaves boiled for soup. Shoot edible as salad.
Mode of use :Fresh and Decoction
Ingredients :Pill-bearing spunge contains flavonoids, terpinoids, alkanes, phenolic acid and choline.
Ailment Treated:Plant extract is applied against skin diseases. Leaf extract is used as mouth wash against mouth-sore. Plant juice is given in dysentery, bowel complaints cough and colic. Plant decoction is used in bronchial affections and asthma. Latex is applied to warts. Plant is also used in diseases of urinary tract.
Source:Extensively grown in wild habitat in valley area more prominently along road sides & grazing grounds.