
Neem - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Neem tree
Hindi :Nim
Manipuri :Neem

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyedon)
Family :Meliaceae
Genus :Azadirachta
Species :indica  A.Juss.
Habit :Handsome tree
Parts Used :Whole plant
Mode of Preparation :Fresh leaves boiled for extract. Dried leaves used for preservation. Fresh leaves crushed for local application.
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh and Local Application
Ingredients :Stem bark contain tannin, non-tannin and red dye.Leaves contain nimbin, nimbinene, nimbandiol, nimbolide and quercetin. Scientists at NII (National Institute of Immunology) have found a potent contraceptive in Neem oil called ‘Pranum’. It basically contains the purified extracts of Neem oil along with two other active components of herbal origin (Science Reporter 17 Nov.2001).
Ailment Treated:Bark is used in skin irritation. Leaves are considered as antiseptic, applied to boils in form of poultice, decoction given for ulcers and eczema. Flowers tonic and stomachic. Berries purgative, emollient. Gum is demulcent, tonic used in catarrhal infection. Fruits are purgative, emollient and anthelmintic. Fresh tender twig is used for cleaning teeth particularly in pyorrhoea. Seed oil used for rheumatism, leprosy and contraceptive.
Source:Generally cultivated at the road sides as avenue tree.