
Kushumlei - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Safflower
Hindi :Kushum phul
Manipuri :Kushumlei

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Asteraceae
Genus :Carthamus
Species :tinctorius  Linn.
Habit :Spiny undershrub
Parts Used :Fruit and Flower
Fruits are crushed to get oil. Flower petals used for tea. Plant as decorative plant and flower twig is used in Manipuri New year (Cheiraoba).
Mode of Preparation :Fruits are crushed to get oil. Flower petals used for tea. Plant as decorative plant and flower twig is used in Manipuri New year (Cheiraoba).
Mode of use :Decoction and Local Application
Ingredients :Fruits contain useful oil which is drying. Luteolin and its 7-0-glucoside, b-sitosterol and its glucoside isolated from flowers. New indole alkaloids erotobenine-isolated from seed.
Ailment Treated:Fruit oil is applied to sores and rheumatic swellings. Capitula are laxative and diaphoretic, used in jaundice. Hot tea is useful for cold and cough.