Mayangton / Mayangba

Mayangton / Mayangba - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Hoary basil
Hindi :Vantulsi
Manipuri :Mayangton / Mayangba

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Lamiaceae
Genus :Ocimum
Species :canumĀ  Sims.
Habit :Aromatic bushy undershrub
Parts Used :Leaf, Seed & Shoot.
Mode of Preparation :Fresh leafy shoot crushed for paste. Leafy shoot boiled for extract. Leaves crushed & smashed for juice. This juice is mixed with honey. Young buds are used as spices.
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh & Local Application
Ingredients :The plant contains Citral, Linalool, Geraniol and Citronellol.
Ailment Treated:Leafy shoot paste is good for fever problem (local external application on forehead). Leafy shoot decoction is used as mouth-wash in pyorrhoea. Leaf juice with honey is given in fever, cough & colic. The seeds are used in malaria and emaciation.
Source:Extensively cultivated in valley areas at home gardens.