
Lin-chieshoo - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Cobra plant
Hindi :
Manipuri :Lin-chieshoo

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Monocotyledon)
Family :Araceae
Genus :Arisaema
Species :tortuosum  Schott.
Habit :Delicate tall herb
Parts Used :Rhizome
Mode of Preparation :Rhizome crushed for decoction
Mode of use :Decoction
Ingredients :Chemical constituents are reported – Arisaimenone, asparagine, threonine, gitogenin, stachydrine and aspartic acid.
Ailment Treated:Decoction of rhizome is used as antidote to snake-bite, kill worms which infest cattle.
Source:Valley and hills, wild, common during rainy season, short lived, frequently under bamboo bushes.