Khagi-leihao angouba

Khagi-leihao angouba - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Temple/Pagoda tree
Hindi :Gobinchi
Manipuri :Khagi-leihao angouba

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Apocynaceae
Genus :Plumeria
Species :acuminata  Ait.
Habit :Small tree
Parts Used :Root, Bark, Fruit & Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Bark is boiled for extract. Root is boiled for extract. Leaves heated for local application. Fresh latex collected for local application. Flower used in making garlands and used in religious offerings.
Mode of use :Decoction and Local Application
Ingredients :Presence of plumierides and fulvoplumierin in the stem bark has been reported.
Ailment Treated:Bark decoction is used to bring down fever and also cures asthma. Root decoction is used for sores. Heated leaves are applied as a poultice over swellings. Stem latex is used for local application on skin for skin eruptions. Fruits are prescribed in cancer and stomach disorder.
Source:Generally cultivated in the valley areas as decorative plant.