
Heining - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Wild mango
Hindi :Amara
Manipuri :Heining

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Anacardiaceae
Genus :Spondias
Species :pinnata  (Linn.f.) Kurz
Habit :Handsome deciduous tree
Parts Used :Bark,Root, Fruit & Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Bark boiled for decoction. Leaf is roasted into fire for local application. Fruit is edible both ripe & unripe. Bark crushed with water for juice. Pickles highly preferred & demanding.
Mode of use :Decoction, Local Application
Ingredients :Fruits are rich in vitamin A, C, Calcium, Iron and Phosphorus. b-amyrin and oeanolic acid from fruits. Lignoceric acid, b-sitosterol and its gluco
Ailment Treated:Bark extract is taken against dysentery and diarrhoea. Bark extract is given in gonorrhoea. Hot fomented leaf is applied against muscular sprain and back-ache. Fruit pulp is dyspepsia. Roots are useful in regulating menstruation. Unripe fruits are sour, thermogenic, appetizer and aphrodisiac. Ripe fruits are sweet, astringent, emollient, constipating and antiscorbutic.
Source:Wild and commonly grown in the valley areas. Now the population has been declined to a great extend.