
Gajar - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Carrot
Hindi :Gajar
Manipuri :Gajar

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Monocotyledon)
Family :Apiaceae
Genus :Daucus
Species :carota  Linn. var. sativa DC.
Habit :Delicate herb
Parts Used :Root, Seed
Mode of Preparation :The tap root is crushed, squeezed for juice. Tap root crushed for decoction. Root crushed for paste use. Leaves or seeds crushed & soaked for infusion use. Root used as vegetable.
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh, Local Application
Ingredients :Root is a rich source of carotene. Seed oil contains carotol as the principal constituent. Other components – Daucol, Bisabolene, Daucene oxide and Carota – 1, 4-oxide are also reported.
Ailment Treated:Root juice is diuretic, anthelmintic, stomachic. Root is good for vitamin A- deficiency. Root decoction is good for stomach problem. Root paste is useful & stops secretion from septic wounds when applied locally.
Source:Extensively cultivated in valley areas.