
Heimang - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Wild varnish tree
Hindi :Kakra-singi
Manipuri :Heimang

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Anacardiaceae
Genus :Rhus
Species :semialata  Murr.
Habit :Small deciduous tree
Parts Used :Fruit, Leaf and Bark
Mode of Preparation :Leaves crushed for decoction. Dried fruits ground into powder. Fruit soaked in water for infusion.
Mode of use :Decoction and Fresh
Ingredients :Leaf galls contain tanin (50-80%). It contains gallotaninc acid, gallotanin and gallic acid. Bark contains 10% tanin.
Ailment Treated:The powder of the fruits mixed with egg is eaten for kidney trouble, urinary complaint due to calculus formation. The fruits are soaked in water along with common salt and used in digestion. The decoction of leaves and fruits are used as hair lotion to improve the black hair. Water soaked fruit are used in dyspepsia and stomach ulcer. Leaf galls are expectorant, and used in tonic, stimulant, diarrhoeea and dysentery. Ethanolic extract of leaves used as anticancer and antiviral actions. Bark is used in dysentery.
Source:Cultivated /wild.