Long pan

Long pan - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Clove
Hindi :Laung
Manipuri :Long pan

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Myrtaceae
Genus :Eugenia
Species :caryophyllata  Hook.
Habit :Small tree
Parts Used :Stem, Flower
Mode of Preparation :Dried un-open floral buds are known as clove. Clove is used as a spice. Dried floral bud powder along with little sugar candy for paste.
Mode of use :Local Application and fresh
Ingredients :Volatile oil containing eugenol, acetyl eugemol, methyle salicylate, pinene, vanillin, gum and tannins.
Ailment Treated:Floral bud powder along with sugar candy is used on jaws against toothache. Cloves are aromatic, stimulant, carminative, dyspepsia and gastric irritation. Clove oil is used for flavouring food products and fermented beverages. Stems and dried buds are often distilled together to obtain an oil known as vanillin clove oil. Clove oil is used for leucoderma and skin diseases.
Source:Cultivated / Wild in Moreh area; marketable.