
Thangjing - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Fox nut
Hindi :Makhana
Manipuri :Thangjing

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Nymphaeaceae
Genus :Euryale
Species :ferox  Salisb.
Habit :Aquatic rooted spiny herb
Parts Used :Fruit, Leaf and Seed
Mode of Preparation :Leaf petiole crushed with water for paste preparation. The fruit has a special taste and aromatic flavour. The tender leaves and petioles after removing spiny skin may be served as vegelable in curries and salads. The immature fruit (lolang) is used after boiling and mature fruit (aroba) is used fresh. Stalk of leaves and fruits are edible. Petiole edible, fruit is eaten both raw and cooked.
Mode of use :Fresh
Ingredients :Fruit contains food values per 100 gm of edible portion : Protien-12.8g, Fat-0.1gm, Minerals-0.5gm, Carbohydrate-76.9gm, Calcium-20mg, Phophorus-90mg and Iron-1.4mg. The antioxidents mainly a-,b-, g- and s-tocopherol have been extracted with organic solvents from the seed.
Ailment Treated:Raw fruit is used for diabetes, leaf petiole paste is applied on burns and boils. Seeds are spernatorrhoea, tonic, astringent and deobstruent. Seed flour is used as a substitute for arrowroot and easily digestible.
Source:Extensively cultivated in ponds and other water bodies.