
Meipokpi - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Prickly pear
Hindi :Nagphana
Manipuri :Meipokpi

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Cactaceae
Genus :Opuntia
Species :dillenii  Haw.
Habit :Succulent spiny shrub
Parts Used :Stem, Fruit
Mode of Preparation :Phylloclad crushed with fresh turmeric & warmed for local application. Phylloclade crushed for paste. Fruit baked for consumption. Phylloclade crushed for decoction.
Mode of use :Local Application, Docoction, Fresh
Ingredients :Fruit contains nearly 8% of fermentable sugar.
Ailment Treated:Phylloclade decoction along with little common salt is applied in bone fracture. Phylloclade paste with turmeric after warming is applied to boil for early suppuration and healing. Plain paste of phylloclade is applied to burns. Baked fruits are given in whooping cough and control spasms and expectorant.
Source:Wild in plain areas and commonly planted as line fence.