
Kou-kha - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Arrow-head
Hindi :
Manipuri :Kou-kha

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Monocotyledon)
Family :Alismataceae
Genus :Sagittaria
Species :sagittifolia  Linn.
Habit :Semi-aquatic herb
Parts Used :Root & Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Fresh root boiled for extract. Fresh leaves dried & crushed for powder. Leaves smashed with molases. Root is used in pakora preparation (Bora).
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh and Local Application
Ingredients :The tubers contain 7.74% of crude protein, 633 mg/100 gm of P, 8.06 mg/100 gm of Iron and 80% moisture.
Ailment Treated:Root decoction is taken with honey in cough. Leaf powder is used for relief from itch. Leaves smashed with molasses is used in sore throat and inflammation of breast.
Source:Wildly grown in the valley areas of Manipur particularly in wet and paddy fields.