
Kihom - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Pineapple
Hindi :Ananas
Manipuri :Kihom

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Monocotyledon)
Family :Bromeliaceae
Genus :Ananas
Species :comosusĀ  (Linn.) Merrill
Habit :Under shrub
Parts Used :Fruit & Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Tender portion of the leaf-base is smashed and the extract is mixed with sugar or honey. Leaf is crushed with water for juice. Fruit pulp is crushed for juice. Fresh leaves boiled with leaves of Fragaria indica and Bonnaya brachiata. Fruits edible & used in making drink juices.
Mode of use :Fresh and Decoction
Ingredients :Fruit is a good source of Vitamins A, B & C. Minerals such as Fe, P are also reported. Acids like Citric, Malic are also reported. Fruit also contain P-Coumaric, Caffeic, Ferulic and Sinapic acids and several Amino acids.
Ailment Treated:Ripe fruit pulp is eaten in asthma, constipation and against the harms caused by heavy smoking. Leaf boiled with leaves of Fragaria indica and Bonnaya brachiata and the soup is taken to cure calculi. Leaf juice is anthelmintic.
Source:Extensively cultivated in the low altitude hills of Manipur.