
Kaphoi/Kamphoi - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Pomegranate
Hindi :Anar
Manipuri :Kaphoi/Kamphoi

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (dicotyledon)
Family :Onagraceae
Genus :Punica
Species :granatum  Linn.
Habit :Small tree
Parts Used :Bark, Flower, Seed & Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Fresh leaves and young fruit crushed for juice. The bark of the stem is boiled for extract. Ripe fruits crushed for juice. Seeds crushed for paste mixed with milk. Floral buds dried & powdered. Fruit is smashed in water for consumption. Seed boiled for extract. Ripe fruit is edible; leaf cooked eaten.
Mode of use :Decoction & Fresh
Ingredients :Fruit is a good source of sugars, vitamin C and iron. Fruit is rich in tannin .
Ailment Treated:The bark decoction is used for tapeworm cases. Ripe fruit juice is given for gastric and asthmatic fever, inflammation of the urinary tract and haemorrhages. Seed paste with milk is recommended for kidney stones (expectant mothers). Seed decoction with honey is taken in diabetes. Powdered floral buds is given in bronchitis. Fresh leaf/young fruit juice is used to cure dysentery.
Source:Cultivated in kitchen gardens.