
Kabi-rei - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Indian oleander
Hindi :Kaner
Manipuri :Kabi-rei

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Apocynaceae
Genus :Nerium
Species :indicumĀ  Mill.
Habit :Evergreen glabrous shrub
Parts Used :Root, Flower and Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Root crushed for paste (for external use). Bark & leaves (pounded) for use in snake bite and as an insecticide. Bark is powdered, mixed with castor oil for use in skin diseases. Flower is boiled for extract.
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh and Local Application
Ingredients :Leaves contain oleandrin and a cardiotonic. Plant emits antimicrobial activity. Roots, bark and seeds contain cardio-active glycosides, neriodorin, neriodorein and karabin; neriodorin and krabin were reported to a paralyzing action on the heart.
Ailment Treated:Oleander is used for treatment of epilepsy. Root paste is applied on boils for early suppuration, haemorrhoids, ulcerations and early cancerous stage as external applicant. Leaf extract is given in snake-bike or poisonous insect-stings. Leaf-juice is given in ophthalmia. The powdered bark mixed with castor oil can be applied over skin eruptions.
Source:Cultivated in home garden as decorative plant in valley areas.