
Bhubati - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Creat
Hindi :Kiryat
Manipuri :Bhubati

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Acanthaceae
Genus :Andrographis
Species :paniculata  Wall. ex Nees
Habit :Profusely branching herb
Parts Used :Leaf, Shoot and Seed
Mode of Preparation :Leaves shoot crushed for decoction. Seed ground into powder.
Mode of use :Decoction and fresh
Ingredients :Leaves contain caffec, chlorogenic and myristic acids; carvacrol, eugenol, hentriacontane, tritriacontane ect.
Ailment Treated:Leaf decoction pasteseed powder is used in asthma, chronic fever, worm diseases, diabetes, piles, jaundice and dysentery.
Source:Commonly cultivated in home gardens particularly in valley areas.