
Champra - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Lemon
Hindi :Nimbu
Manipuri :Champra

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Rutaceae
Genus :Citrus
Species :limon  Linn.
Habit :Small tree
Parts Used :Fruit, Leaves
Mode of Preparation :Fruit pulp crushed and squeezed for juice. Fruit cut and boiled with rice water as hair lotion. Fruits and leaves used in the preparation of traditional hair shampoo.
Mode of use :Fresh and Decoction
Ingredients :Fruit is rich in citric acid, pectin, lemon oil. Fruit cover yields an essential oil. Fruits rich in vitamin C.
Ailment Treated:Fruit juice is very useful for scurvy. Fruits in the form of pickle useful for hypertrophy of spleen. Crushed fruit pulp useful for dizziness and dyspepsia. Fruit juice lowers body heat & used for indigestion. The fruit decoction with rice water is used as hair lotion.
Source:Cultivated in both hill and valley areas.