Eshing ekaithabi

Eshing ekaithabi - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Aquatic sensitive plant/Water mimosa
Hindi :Lajalu
Manipuri :Eshing ekaithabi

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Mimosaceae
Genus :Neptunia
Species :oleracea  Lour.
Habit :Floating aquatic herb
Parts Used :Whole plant
Mode of Preparation :Leafy shoot is crushed with water for juice. Roots boiled for decoction. Tender leaves, leafy shoots and green pods are used for vegetable curry preparation. Leafy shoots are expensive.
Mode of use :Fresh, Decoction and Local Application
Ingredients :Plant contains Moisture (88%), vitamin A (5.4mg/100g), Crude fat (1.2%), Crude fibre (16%), total ash (5.4%). Stem reported containing steroids, steroidal sapogenins, flavonoids, triterpenoidal sapogenins and carbohydrates were detected in different extracts of the stem. The alcoholic extract was found to possess significant antiinflammatory activity.
Ailment Treated:Raw leaf is used for dysentery and intestinal infection. Leafy shoot juice is good for local application in ear-ache. Root decoction is used in late stage of syphilis.
Source:Extensively cultivated in the ponds in valley areas. Sold in the markets.