
Heibamana/Heibam - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Wild fig
Hindi :Anjiri
Manipuri :Heibamana/Heibam

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Moraceae
Genus :Ficus
Species :palmata  Forsk.
Habit :Hispid tree
Parts Used :Root, Leaf and Fruit
Mode of Preparation :Young prop root crushed & squeezed for juice; young leaves, shoots are used fresh, in mixed vegetable as salads and boiled delicacy. Ripe fruits are edible. The leaf is used in preparation of traditional chutney (Eronba); fruit occasionally eaten raw.
Mode of use :Fresh and Cooked
Ingredients :Fruit contains – extractable juice (45.2%), moisture (80.5%), acidity (0.71%), total sugar (5.98%), pectin (0.20%), vitamin C (3.35mg/100g of pulp), protein (1.72%) & minerals like P, K, Ca, Mg & Fe are also reported.
Ailment Treated:Young prop root juice is used in healing obstruction of urine flow, lungs, bladder diseases and applied externally for early suppuration. Fruits are demulcent and laxative.
Source:Grown in both hills and valley areas. Not so common and found, sold in the markets occasionally.