
Hong-ngoo - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Giant taro
Hindi :Mankanda
Manipuri :Hong-ngoo

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Monocotyledon)
Family :Araceae
Genus :Alocasia
Species :macrorrhiza  (Linn.) Schott
Habit :Robust and gregarious herb
Parts Used :Root, Stem and Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Root is boiled for extract. Leaves crushed and decoction. Petiole is crushed and boiled for extract. Leaf petiole is used in the preparation of “hentak” (a local fermented / dried fish preparation).
Mode of use :Decoction and Local Application
Ingredients :Rhizome is rich in starch. Leaves & petiole contain crystals of calcium oxalate and hydrocyanic acid.
Ailment Treated:Petiole and root juice (boiled) is antidote to scorpion and rattle stings. Leaf juice (boiled) used as rubefacient for pains in joints. Root decoction is laxative and diuretic.
Source:Commonly wild in the domestic compound and forest escapes.