Wakha yendem

Wakha yendem - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Buck wheat
Hindi :Kotu
Manipuri :Wakha yendem

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Polygonaceae
Genus :Fagopyrum
Species :esculentum  Moench.
Habit :Tall straggling herb
Parts Used :Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Tender leafy shoot cooked for consumption and boiled for extract. Young shoot/ bud, used as vegetable. Young shoot/ bud cooked eaten.
Mode of use :Decoction & Local Application
Ingredients :Plant is a good source of Rutin (a bioflavonoid) which reduces increase capillary fragility. Rutin can strengthen the inner lining of blood vessels.
Ailment Treated:Cooked tender shoot is eaten against diabetes. Cooked plant is commonly taken in combination with other herbs for high blood pressure.
Source:Commonly grown in swampy places.