Lin- marei

Lin- marei - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :
Hindi :
Manipuri :Lin- marei

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Rubiaceae
Genus :Oldenlandia
Species :diffusa  (Willd.) Roxb.
Habit :Slender profuse herb
Parts Used :Whole plant
Mode of Preparation :Whole plant crushed for decoction. Fresh leafy shoot crushed for extract.
Mode of use :Decoction and Fresh
Ingredients :Plant contains 2-Methyl – 3 – hydroxyanthraquinone, 2 -metyl – 3 -methoxyanthraquinone and 2 – methyl – 3 -hydroxy -4 – methoxyanthraquinone, Oldenlandoside 1,Oldenlanoside 2, asperuloside, asperulic acid, deautyl asperulosidic acid and geniposidic and are isolated from the aerial parts of the plant.
Ailment Treated:Fresh leafy shoot extract is applied on boils and burns. Decoction of plant is used in fever, jaundice, inpure blood and gonorrhoea. Extract of fresh leaf is used as antidote to snake-bite. Whole plant decoction is used in general weakness, biliousness, fever and gonorrhoea. Brew of the herb used as a mouthwash for relief in tooth-ache. The plant is anti-inflammatory and antitumouraction.
Source:Wild, common in moist areas.