
Madhumati - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Japanese honey suckle
Hindi :
Manipuri :Madhumati

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Caprifoliaceae
Genus :Lonicera
Species :macrantha  (D. Don) Spreng
Habit :Glabrous woody twiner
Parts Used :Flower and Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Leaves crushed for juice. Leafy twig simmered for decoction. Dried flowers soaked into water for infusion. Decorative plant. Flower is used in religious ceremonies.
Mode of use :Decoction, Fresh and Local Application
Ingredients :Dried flowers are rich in carotenoids. Plants contains tannin.
Ailment Treated:Leaf juice is good for local application against leucoderma. Plant decoction is used as antipyretic, stomachic and in dysentery. Dried flower infusion is used as diuretic.
Source:Generally cultivated in home garden, as live fence and wall climbing.