Manggra angangba

Manggra angangba - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Sweet potato
Hindi :Shakar kand
Manipuri :Manggra angangba

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (Dicotyledon)
Family :Convolvulaceae
Genus :Ipomoea
Species :batatas (Linn.)  Lam.
Habit :Tuberous climbing herb
Parts Used :Root, Leaf/Shoot
Mode of Preparation :Tender shoots and leaves used as vegetables or as salad. Leaf crushed for decoction.Tuberous roots used as food after boiling, baking and frying.
Mode of use :Decoction and fresh
Ingredients :Tubers contains amylase, protease, catalase, galactanase and phosphotases.
Ailment Treated:Roots are sweet, refrigerant, laxative, aphrodisiac diuretic and tonic. Decoction of leaf is used as ear/eye-drop and ear-ache.
Source:Generally cultivated.