Mayur pambi

Mayur pambi - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Maiden hair fern
Hindi :Hasraj
Manipuri :Mayur pambi

Scientific Name

Group :Pteridophyte
Family :Polypodiaceae /Adiantaceae
Genus :Adiantum
Species :capillus venerisĀ  Linn.
Habit :Slender spreading herb
Parts Used :Leaf
Mode of Preparation :Leaves soaked in water for infusion. Leaves simmered for decoction. Fresh leaves crushed for paste. Leaves boiled with wine for tincture preparation.
Mode of use :Decoction and Local Application
Ingredients :The fern contains 3-a, 4-a-epoxy-filicane, 21-hydroxyadiantone and adiantone. It also contains an essential oil.
Ailment Treated:Fresh leaf paste is applied in poisonous bites and burns (local application). Leaves boiled with wine is given in hard tumours of the spleen, liver and other viscera. Leaf infusion is useful for digestion and regulation of menstrual cycles. Leaf prevents falling of hair so used as a hair lotion.
Source:Generally grown in both hills and valley areas mainly in moist shady places.