Nongmakha angangba

Nongmakha angangba - Manipur Medicinal Plants

Common Name

English :Basak
Hindi :
Manipuri :Nongmakha angangba

Scientific Name

Group :Angiosperm (dicotyledon)
Family :Acanthaceae
Genus :Phlogacanthus
Species :thyrsiflorus  Nees.
Habit :Bushy shrub
Parts Used :Flower, Fruit & Leaf
Leaves crushed with water for decoction. Inflorescence is boiled or taken fresh. Fruits and leaves roasted for consumption. Inflorescence taken with chutney. Leaf is used for making a food item in Manipuri traditional feasts.
Mode of Preparation :Leaves crushed with water for decoction. Inflorescence is boiled or taken fresh. Fruits and leaves roasted for consumption. Inflorescence taken with chutney. Leaf is used for making a food item in Manipuri traditional feasts.
Mode of use :Decoction, Local Application & Fresh
Ingredients :The plant contains alkaloidal compounds, vasicine and vasicinone.
Ailment Treated:Leaf decoction is useful for fever and cough cure. Inflorescence is antidote to pox, prevents skin diseases like sore, scabies etc. Roasted fruits and leaves are good for fever and cold. Leaf decoction is used in stomach ulcer and intestinal disorder.